[CM] midishare: output-stop

Johannes Quint johannes.quint at web.de
Tue Mar 2 01:36:22 PST 2004

a question about midishare: is there a way to stop a running output ?
(there was a keystroke in former cm-versions, cmd-; when i remember 

thanks, johannes

btw, i get the following error:

(events (new midi time 0) "test.mp")
 > Error in process listener(2): Attempt to call OPENPLAYER without 
 > While executing: OPENPLAYER
 > Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.
1 >

(events (new midi time 0) "midi.port") works.

Johannes Quint
D-53225 Bonn
0228 468256
johannes.quint at web.de
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