[CM] customzing *-play-midi-file
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Jun 11 19:06:24 PDT 2004
you can use this -- its part of midi2.scm from the 2.5.0 (CVS head)
;;;--------------------------- midi2,scm
(define *linux-midi-file-player*
"timidity --quiet=2 ~a &")
(define (linux-play-midi-file file . args)
(shell *linux-midi-file-player* file)
once you eval these definitions you can do
(set-midi-output-hook! #'linux-play-midi-file)
and midi files will be auto played by timidity every time you write
them via the 'events function
ive checked it and it works in cygwin.
On Jun 11, 2004, at 6:56 AM, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to Rick Taube, I got Commonmusic up and running under Cygwin.
> The docs for usage with Xemacs were excellent (as is the Lisp listener
> itself). So, I have cm-2.4.1 up and running under Xemacs and Cygwin.
> I have timidity setup with instruments --- it can play midi files
> generated by cm... however, I do not know how to configure
> win-play-midi-file so that it makes a shell call to timidity.exe with
> a filename.
> Evaluating the forms in intro.cm one-by-one leads to the following
> error:
> /\\\ ---\\\---------
> ----\\\--------
> ----/\\\------- Common Music 2.4.1
> ---/--\\\------
> --/----\\\-----
> / \\\/
> guile> guile> #<procedure #f ()>
> guile> "test.midi"
> guile> guile> C:Program: not found
> "test.midi"
> guile>
> This error occurs when evaluating:
> (events (sinus 80 4 20 100 .1 .1 .6) "test.midi")
> --
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