[CM] Re: Blender

kelly hirai bakanonaka at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 11:15:01 PDT 2004

i've been keeping up with blender for a while. the
post open source version is alot diferent than the
pre. they added a real raytracer, tabbed control

Blender's keyboard shortcuts are getting packed. ie.
u, alt-u ctl-u shift-u all have some function. i think
any modeler worth its beans is going to take some
study and practice [oh now don't wince, we're all into
music right?].


[a day later]

for that matter it would be cool if blender had a maya
keymapping setting as well. 

i would be particularly interested in if anyone has
thought about the physics part of blender, the game
component has colision detection. anyone considered
how to gleen data from that? what fromat it should
midi? csound? what othere codex are out there? 

the offical blender 2.3 guide was released around
april. it has a quickstart tootorial. unfortunately
the game engine isn't covered in this book. i believe
there is another book comming on that subject. 

i'm also impressed with the level of abstraction
pov-ray has atained. the short code contest is mighty

also of note in the 3d-sound crossover, archive.org
has a movie with perry cook's physical models,
animated. unfortunately, the shapes listened to in the
movie are regular geometric solid primatives, and so
its unclear to me if he is using his STK models or if
they are volumetric mesh solids with waves passing
through them and a listening location. anyone seen
this and know how it was made?

kelly hirai

Message: 1
From: Juan Reyes <juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
To: planetCCRMA <planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
Cc: cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:26:32 -0400
Subject: [CM] Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Blender for animations

I can't resist but making this comment for our sake
and for that of
other Unix users: Blender should contain more Emacs or
SND shortcuts.
Perhaps this will make that "learning slope" not so

As Dave points out Blender results look very sexy

I remember the days attempting visualizing the
sound-object under
acousmatique terms. Perhaps one should leave and
effort time to see 
object with plain eyes and not ears.

  --* Juan

On Sat, 2004-07-17 at 16:33, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Hi Juan:
>   I've only toyed with earlier versions of Blender,
but I recently 
> attended a very good presentation about it at the
libre software 
> in Bordeaux. Some of the demonstration images and
animations were 
> impressive, and Martin Poirier made its use seem
attainable by mere 
> mortals. I'd suggest spending the time to get
acquainted with its 
> basics, and try to use a recent release.
> Best regards,
> dp
> Juan Reyes wrote:
> >Is anyone using Blender for animation stuff on
Linux. It seems to me
> >that it has steep learning curve because of its
rather complex
> >multi-button interface. 
> >
> >Results seems to be good though.
> >
> >Any alternatives, any suggestions ?
> >
> >  --* Juan Reyes
> >

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kelly hirai  http://ongaku.isa-geek.net/~khirai

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