[CM] Gentlecoord-1.0

daniel mayer herbstmondwind at web.de
Thu Jul 1 10:32:59 PDT 2004

Gentlecoord is an interface for CM, written in CL. 
It may be used for the coordination of algorithms with voices 
(in an instrumental sense),  for which rhythm, pitch and  
dynamics are defined via patterns to generate MIDI files or
MIDI realtime output.
It includes a MIDI setup facility to define instruments and pitchbend,
a function to start an algorithm with several voices in parallel,
options to solve pitch conflicts between them,
a syntax for cr/dim on single events and new pattern classes for 
establishing logical relations between distinct pattern objects.
Maybe it is interesting for people who use CM to compose
for acoustic instruments.

At the moment it has only been tested on the following Mac combinations: 

OSX / OpenMCL / cm-2.4.2 and
OS9 / MCL 4.3.1 / cm-2.4.2, cm-2.3.4

Gentlecoord assumes familiarity with CM syntax, so see 
the CM documentation and Rick's book for reference.
Download (sources, examples and documentation) from 


If anyone uses it: feedback is welcome !

Many thanks to Rick Taube and Tobias Kunze, 
Hanspeter Kyburz and Ludger Bruemmer 

Daniel Mayer

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