[CM] midishare clarification

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Jan 31 07:25:46 PST 2004

The release canditate they sent me is 1.87 so I guess they still have not
released it.  They do not want me to give my frameworks out (I asked). You
might send a note to their list and ask when they plan to release it. Im not
sure if 1.87 is supposed to work in Jaguar or not -- you better ask about
that as well. In the meantime you can still use cm.app as is and only load
the midishare interface when you actually have midishare installed.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johannes Quint" <johannes.quint at web.de>
To: <cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [CM] midishare clarification

> Am Freitag, 30.01.04, um 21:08 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Rick Taube:
> > CM.app contains the _hooks_ to midishare but it will not work unless
> > you install Grame's Midishare package on your machine first
> which version of midishare do you use? is there a 1.8.7? on grame's
> website, i only find 1.86 and this doesn't seem to work with my os
> panther...
> j.
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