[CM] CM + CLM / installation instructions wrong

Larry Troxler lt@westnet.com
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:57:29 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Rick Taube wrote:

> Hi, sorry but you must have a stale version of cm -- the latest release
> (cm-2.4.1) HAS no such instructions since its a one-pass build. to install
> cm 2.4.1 on some version of unix, untar the archive, then execute the
> bin/cm.sh script:
>     $ cd cm-2.4.1
>     $ bin/cm.sh
> thats it. see:
>     http://commonmusic.sf.net/doc/install.html

Oops. Sorry about that, Rick. I had forgotten that the project had moved
to sourceforge.

Larry Troxler