[CM] cmn and guile

Anders Vinjar anders.vinjar at notam02.no
Fri Jan 23 05:42:06 PST 2004

>>> "MG" == Maarten Grachten <maarten at iiia.csic.es> writes:

    MG> I am interested in the guile port of CMN. Does it exist?

Much of this port was done in august 2003, but was stopped by
missing ratio-support in Guile.  Bill Schottstaedt and others
have since built ratio-support for Guile, but I havent had a
chance to do the missing parts of cmn-guile myself.

My intention is to peep into this again and finish it once i get
some time, but i have no idea when that might be.  So if anyone
is interested in bringing this to an ending from where it was
left, they can download a snapshot from august 7th here (with the
standard disclaimers):


When you open the tarball it leaves the normal cmn-directory (but
here its called "transformert3/*.scm") together with a file
"scratch.scm", and a directory "utils/*.scm" with various Guile
things needed for doing the things we want.  Look in
"scratch.scm" on how to load things and get going, its like a
temporary substitute for cmn-all.scm

To work with the new ratios and Guile you will need to checkout
the latest CVS-versions of guile and a gratio.tar.gz from CCRMA i
think.  (Ask Bill to get the correct procedure to these steps,
last time i tried to checkout a development-version of Guile from
CVS it timed-out the whole afternoon.)

The cmn-guile snapshot from august is currently capable of doing
things like this here:

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from the following score:

(let ((loc-slur-1 #f)
      (loc-slur-2 #f))
  (cmn (size 30)
       (full-last-line #t)
       (system Brace 
	       (staff (staff-name "D-sharp - ukulele" (dx 1.0))
		      (cs4 s
			   (begin (set! loc-slur-1
					(begin-slur (slur-direction :down)
                                                    (dx1 -2.0) (dy1 -3.0) (dy2 1.0)))
			    (set! loc-slur-2
				  (begin-slur (slur-direction :up) ))
		      (eighth-rest (begin-beam))
		      (c4 s (staccato) )
		      (ef4 s Accent (end-slur loc-slur-1))
		      (sixteenth-rest (end-beam))
		      (c5 q (double-flat) Fermata   (end-slur loc-slur-2)))
	       (staff (staff-name "B-flat -``thunder''")
		      (c2 e (mf (dx -1) (scale 1.0 3.0)) Tenuto)
		      (d2 e (accent (justification :above) (dy -0.25))
			  (sfz (dx -1.0) 
			       (scale 2.0 1) (rotate 34))
			  (dynamic "sfzpImfrz"))
		      (a2 q (begin-tie))
		      (a2 h (end-tie) Staccato)
		      (c2 w Ppp)))))

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