[CM] plotter on MCL 5.0 and OSX 10.3.2

Bret Battey bbattey at u.washington.edu
Sat Jan 3 14:18:58 PST 2004

Regarding the gnuplot output, you might be speaking of Orm Finnedahl 
who posted some gnuplot examples on this list a few months pack 
(finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de).

Also, in CLM's DLOCSIG there is some plotter code for exporting to 
gnuplot (in fact, I usually commented this out since it had name 
conflicts with Rick's plotter utils)

Problem in MCL 5.0 is that it doesn't have a (shell ...) directive!!!! 
(what were/are they thinking?) So the code examples mentioned above 
won't work, as they use shell directives to send commands to gnuplot. I 
did find a shell command that works in MCL 5.0 though: bsd.lisp by 
Brendan Burns. I've enclosed the file.

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Bret Battey                                     http://BatHatMedia.com
Research Associate
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
University of Washington, Seattle    http://www.washington.edu/dxarts/

On Jan 3, 2004, at 7:14 AM, Rick Taube wrote:

> > Does plotter work on OSX 10.3.2 with MCL 5.0?
> ?
> When I last tried it worked but I stopped?MCL?development (or even 
> using MCL) until?it acts like?an osx native app.? I've moved the 
> plotter code from the system into its own tarball until I have time to 
> figure out how to make a more portable version that will work on linux 
> and openmcl.
> ?
> ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/cm/sources/plotter.tar.gz
> ?
> dont forget that you will have to do 'flip -m *' on these sources 
> before you load them.
> Someone on the list (sorry I cant remember who) has some code that 
> outputs to gnuplot -- this might also be of use if you just want to 
> see the data.

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