[CM] plotter on MCL 5.0 and OSX 10.3.2

Sean Ferguson ferguson at music.mcgill.ca
Fri Jan 2 19:58:41 PST 2004

Does plotter work on OSX 10.3.2 with MCL 5.0?

I was able to compile all the files, but calling (plotter) or

(plotter (new plot
               points (loop with f = 2.5
                            for x from 0 to 1 by .01
                            collect (new point x x y (sin (* x f 2 pi)))))
          :window-title "A Little Sin")

returns the following error:

>  Error: #<Compiled-function XY Macroexpander 
>#x246B9B6> can't be FUNCALLed or APPLYed.
>  While executing: CCL::DEFAULT-INITARGS
>  Type Command-. to abort.
See the RestartsŠ menu item for further choices.

The macro xy is defined in draw.lisp but I'm not 
sure where an attempt is being made to funcall or 
apply it.

Again, any help would be appreciated.

Sean Ferguson
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