[CM] rhythm durations and rests
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Feb 27 07:11:26 PST 2004
> is there a way that i can update the *rhythms* in my code to include
> such a symbol?
> the only way i can currently figure out how to get negative rhythms is
> to do something like:
> (rhythm 'q-w) -> -2.0
first, if you use ratios to mark your "rests" you can already do what
you want:
? (rhythm -1/4)
? (rhythm '(q w -2 e q... -1/16 ))
(1.0 4.0 -8.0 0.5 1.875 -0.25)
if you want to only use symbols then this new definition of
the rhythm method for symbols ("cm/src/data.scm") is probably what you
(define %rest-char #\-)
(define-method (rhythm (val <symbol>) . args)
(with-args (args &optional (tempo *tempo*) (beat *beat*))
(let ((n (hash-ref *rhythms* val)))
(if n
(rhythm n tempo beat)
(let* ((str (symbol->string val))
(num (if (char-ci=? (string-ref str 0) %rest-char)
(- (parse-rhythm-string (substring str 1)))
(parse-rhythm-string str ))))
(hash-set! *rhythms* val num)
(rhythm (hash-ref *rhythms* val) tempo beat))))))---
after replacing the existing rhythm method with the snippit above, do
$ cd /path/to/cm
$ bin/cm.sh
that will regenerate data.lisp (if you are using cltl) and reload the
system with the new definition in effect. once thats done you can do
? (rhythm '-q)
? (rhythm '-w-q)
(rhythm '-w-q)
note that resting must be applied to the entire expression so -w-q =
-(w-q) = -3 not -5...so im not sure if I should use - or R to denote
rhythmic "rests" -- minus is consistent with using ratios but then
rhythm exprs may seem weird. if you want to use R do (define
%rest-char #\R) and away you go. if you (or anyone) has an opinion on R
vs - let me know.
ive already made these changes to the cm-2.5 branch
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