[CM] Loop question

T. Kriewall kriewall@u.washington.edu
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 19:00:41 -0800 (PST)

Yet another question!

I have a function which works properly (thanks to Rick Taube's help):

(defun leadmod ()
    (setq filedata (import-events "Testfile.MID"))
    (setq keynumlist (map-slot filedata 'keynum))
    (setq durlist (map-slot filedata 'duration))
    (setq amplist (map-slot filedata 'amplitude))
    (setq timelist (map-slot filedata 'time))
    (loop for pitches in keynumlist
          for durations in durlist
          for amplitudes in amplist
          for times in timelist
          for freq = (hertz pitches)
    (new karplus_strong
            :time times
            :duration durations
            :freq freq
            :amp amplitudes
            :imeth 6
            :iparm 0
            :idel 2

The output (excluding the header info) looks something like:

i1 0.000 2.000 293.665 1.000 6 0 2
i1 2.000 1.000 246.942 0.693 6 0 2
i1 3.000 0.500 220.000 0.693 6 0 2
i1 3.500 0.250 195.998 0.693 6 0 2
i1 4.000 0.125 174.614 0.079 6 0 2

This is all good.  Note the start time (second) column.

Now, if I modify the function such that it replicates notes:

(defun leadmod ()
    (setq filedata (import-events "Testfile.MID"))
    (setq keynumlist (map-slot filedata 'keynum))
    (setq durlist (map-slot filedata 'duration))
    (setq amplist (map-slot filedata 'amplitude))
    (setq timelist (map-slot filedata 'time))
    (loop for k from 1 to 2 collect
    (loop for pitches in keynumlist
          for durations in durlist
          for amplitudes in amplist
          for times in timelist
          for freq = (hertz pitches)
    (new karplus_strong
            :time times
            :duration durations
            :freq freq
            :amp amplitudes
            :imeth 6
            :iparm 0
            :idel 2

My output becomes (note the start time column):

i1 0 2.000 293.665 1.000 6 0 2
i1 0 1.000 246.942 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.500 220.000 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.250 195.998 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.125 174.614 0.079 6 0 2
i1 0 2.000 293.665 1.000 6 0 2
i1 0 1.000 246.942 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.500 220.000 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.250 195.998 0.693 6 0 2
i1 0 0.125 174.614 0.079 6 0 2

Everything is fine with the exception of the start time.  What am I
doing that's fixing it to zero while all the other values are fine?

The calling function, incidentally, is:

(events (leadmod) "testout.sco"
    :header "<headerstuff>"
    :handler NIL)

Thanks again!
