[CM] cmn-datas in a process

Johannes Quint johannes.quint@web.de
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 00:59:30 +0100

this is a basic question, sorry, but i find no solution:
how can i handle cmn-datas in a process, which are not provided by 

let us say key-signature:

(defprocess xy ()
	 (process repeat 100
		with n = (new heap :of '(0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12))
		and keys = (new cycle :of '(c-major cs-major d-major)))
	 	and transpose = (new cycle :of '(0 1 2))
		and transposer = 2
		and transpose? = (new line :of (list nil (new random :of (list '(nil 
weight 5) '(t weight 1)))))
		do (when (next transpose?)
			(setf tranposer (next tranpose))	; transpose notes = key
			(output (new key time (now) signature (next keys)))) ; something 
like this for cmn
		output (new midi time (now) duration .25 keynum (note (+ transposer 
60 (next n))))
		wait .25)))

and now, both should work:

(events (xy) "xy.mid")
(events (xy) "xy.cmn")		; should show the changing key-signatures

thanks very much for hints.

johannes quint