[CM] configure in CLM

Anders Vinjar andersvi at extern.uio.no
Tue Aug 31 02:11:09 PDT 2004

the current all.lisp in clm-3 takes care to cd to clm-directory
before running configure, leaving config.h in clm-directory,
which is good.

However, the check for existing config.h is done in
clm-bin-directory, forcing all.lisp to always "reconfigure".

Heres a diff checking in clm-directory instead:

*** /tmp/andersvi/all.lispUVAxKo	2004-08-31 09:22:48.000000000 +0200
--- /tmp/andersvi/all.lisp~UVA-Uu	2004-08-31 09:22:48.000000000 +0200
*** 123,129 ****
  (defvar reconfigure #+reconfigure t #-reconfigure nil)
  ;;;    (if (not (probe-file "config.h"))
! (if (not (probe-file (concatenate 'string clm-directory "config.h")))
      (setf reconfigure t))
  (defvar configure nil)
  (if reconfigure
--- 123,129 ----
  (defvar reconfigure #+reconfigure t #-reconfigure nil)
  ;;;    (if (not (probe-file "config.h"))
! (if (not (probe-file (concatenate 'string clm-bin-directory "config.h")))
      (setf reconfigure t))
  (defvar configure nil)
  (if reconfigure

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