[CM] 2nd International Linux Audio Conference

Marc Riedel msriedel at zkm.de
Fri Apr 23 08:19:23 PDT 2004

 From April 29th to May 2nd, 2004, the ZKM (Zentrum fuer Kunst und 
Medientechnologie, Center for Arts and Media) in Karlsruhe, Germany, 
will host the second International Linux Audio Conference.

Notable developers from all around the world will present Open Source 
software from such diverse areas as Harddisk Recording, Software 
Synthesis, Sampling and Score Editing. Several concerts and a sound 
installation will demonstrate how this software can be used for 
composition and production. In order to help visitors with setting up 
their own computer-based audio systems, experts are available to give 
advice and useful hints.

Among the speakers are also the team leaders of the two great Linux 
audio distributions, PlanetCCRMA and Agnula, ready to answer questions. 
Also, for the first time a CD-bootable Live Linux audio system is being 
developed which will help newcomers in evaluating what Linux can do for 
them. The end of the conference will be marked by a panel discussion 
about the future of free audio software under Linux.

During the conference the brand-new Lionstracs Mediastation can be 
seen. This keyboard, targeted towards music production, is almost 
completely based on free linux software.

For those who cannot attend the conference, the talks and presentations 
can also be listened to through web live audiostreams.

The program, travel instructions and further information is available 
at www.zkm.de/lac.

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