[CM] RE: osx-package

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Sun, 7 Sep 2003 10:12:01 -0500

> I can open it by double-clicking the application icon, but 
> don't know how to
> transform the command line in the shell script.
> (From the terminal one must now write emacs -nw)

Hi, if you installed the OSX 10.2 Emacs.app from porkrind then the
terminal command
	% emacs
Should automatically launch the GUI Emacs.app instead of the console
emacs that comes with OS X. At least it does on my machine and I didn't
do anything to get this functionality. But if 'emacs' does not start the
Aqua emacs, then you can simply edit the script file in CommonMusic.app
and use whatever command starts your Emacs.app. This script file is:


Edit this file and put whatever command launches your GUI emacs. For
example, if you want to use Xemacs then edit the file and uncomment out
the xemacs launching line that I put in there in case someone wanted to
use it. The command that cm.sh currently uses is:

emacs   --load "/Applications/CommonMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/cm.el"

IF that doesn't start your Emacs.app you might try starting it using the
OSX 'open' command, ie something like this might launch CM in your Aqua

open Emacs ---load "/Applications/CommonMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/cm.el"

Unfortunately Im at home on a piece of crap windows machine so I cant
test it out. But if it doesn't work then 'man open' should tell you what
you need to know.

Regardless of which GUI emacs you actually use be sure to pass it the
--load ... arg so that it loads the cm.el file.This is the file that
does most of the work.

There might be some way for the installation process to actually set
things up ahead of time so that script files are  installed correctly
when you install the app but unfortunately I don't know anything about
the .pkg packaging Apple provides for OSX. Its probably possible though.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: daniel mayer [mailto:herbstmondwind@web.de] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 9:12 AM
> To: taube@uiuc.edu
> Subject: osx-package
> Dear Rick,
>   On my machine  XEmacs/OpenMCL/CM starts up 
> after double-clicking the X11 icon and with
> /usr/bin/open-x11 /sw/bin/xemacs --load 
> "/Applications/CommonMusic.app/Contents/MacOS/cm.el" 
> in cm.sh.
> I had no time for further testing till now, but I hope I will have
> during the next days.
> Emacs does not work. I had to get the version for OSX 10.2 
> from porkrind.
> I can open it by double-clicking the application icon, but 
> don't know how to
> transform the command line in the shell script.
> (From the terminal one must now write emacs -nw)
> Many Thanks for preparing this bundle and any hint concerning emacs,
> Best Regards
> Daniel
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