[CM] CLM debian package (cmn and cm to come soon)

rm at fabula.de rm at fabula.de
Tue Oct 21 15:01:57 PDT 2003

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 02:55:40PM -0400, marco at ccrma.Stanford.EDU wrote:
> [You might receive this message twice, i sent the previous message
> with an address not subscribed to the list...i think...sorry]
> Hi,
> for the clm Debian users in the list:
> (i wonder if the above sentence refers to a community of two and an
> half persons...:-) )

Here's another half ;-)

> I've made a clm debian package, that is available for testing in my
> own machine (it is an adsl server it could be slow but i dont expect
> too much traffic...:-) -see above-).

Do you need webspace? I could set up a mirror.

> Soon after the maintainer that sponsor me will approve it should enter
> in the official Debian unstable.

It might help if you follow the package naming conventions and add a
prefix 'clm' => 'cl-clm' (see: http://www.cliki.net/Debian).

> In the next days there will be available also cmn and cm (cm will
> include to whole "trilogy" cm-clm-cmn).

Thank's a lot, i'll test is ASAP

  Ralf Mattes

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