[CM] Plotters was MCL 5 with CLM / openmcl plotters?

Orm Finnendahl finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de
Fri Oct 17 12:37:30 PDT 2003

Am 17. Oktober 2003, 12:37 Uhr (-0700) schrieb Ken Locarnini:
> This is great stuff.  I don't know much about xfig or gnuplot, but can 
> one select and edit, (cut, copy, paste) data in either one of these?
> Ken

I'm not sure, what you mean. Go to the homepage of xfig (google for
it) and check the manual. The lines you see are all objects which can
be edited in any way you could possibly edit data in a vector graphics
application (move, delete, copy, scale, rotate, group, recolor...).

You only have to keep in mind that there is no way back to lisp/scheme
once you changed the data (at least not a trivial one).


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