[CM] MCL 5 with CLM
Rick Taube
taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 17 05:57:54 PDT 2003
> Now I'm confused! Can I assume that CLM using MCL 5 will be
MCL5 is OSX-only.
> Is MCL 5 some sort of commercial openmcl, so I
> can use the openmcl FFI?
MCL5.0 uses apple "frameworks" not shlibs so you have to grovel around
a bit i think. (sorry, Im not really up on MCL5.0 -- I bascially gave
up on it and am really just using OpenMCL at this point...) To compare
the two, this is waht Gramme did for MCL5.0:
(defmacro MidiOpen (name)
`(with-cstrs ((s ,name))
(ccl::ppc-ff-call (get-fun-addr "MidiOpen" *midishare*)
:address s :signed-halfword)))
(defmacro get-fun-addr (name framework)
`(lookup-function-in-framework ,name ,framework))
(defun lookup-function-in-framework (symbol-name bundle)
(let* ((addr (#_CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName
bundle (CFSTR symbol-name))))
(if (%null-ptr-p addr)
(error "Couldn't resolve address of foreign function ~s"
;; This may be a little confusing: MCL uses fixnums (whose low 2
;; bits are zero) to represent function addresses (whose low 2
;; are zero ...)Shove the pointer in a buffer, fetch a signed
;; integer, shift it right 2 bits ... voila.
(rlet ((buf :long))
(setf (%get-ptr buf) addr)
(ash (%get-signed-long buf) -2)))))
This is what I do in OpenMCL:
(defun MidiOpen (name)
(ccl:with-cstrs ((s name))
(#_MidiOpen s)))
The #_ is an OpenMCL readmacro that expands into:
I hope this helps!
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