[CM] cm install fails with cmucl
Bob Coyne
bobcoyne at worldnet.att.net
Fri Nov 7 06:09:55 PST 2003
What do you get when you do (directory "/Lisp/src/"). I bet
it gives an error too.
I've noticed that when emacs has an modified, unsaved buffer,
it does some symbolic linking thing with the original, resulting in
this sort of error from cmucl. Seems like the same sort of problem
you're having.
Orm Finnendahl wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to migrate common music from clisp to cmucl, loading cm.lisp
> dies with:
> "File-error in function TRUENAME: The file "/Lisp/src/iter.lisp" does
> not exist."
> appended is the complete output and the backtrace. "/Lisp" is
> symlinked to the actual cm directory which contains the latest sources
> from CVS.
> --
> Orm
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> * (load "/Lisp/src/cm.lisp")
> ; Loading #p"/usr/local/lisp/cm-cvs/cm/src/cm.lisp".
> ; Loading "/Lisp/bin/pkg.x86f".
> ; Loading "/Lisp/bin/cmu.x86f".
> ; Loading "/Lisp/bin/clos.x86f".
> ; Compiling "/Lisp/src/iter.lisp".
> File-error in function TRUENAME: The file "/Lisp/src/iter.lisp" does
> not exist.
> Restarts:
> 0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "/Lisp/src/cm.lisp".
> 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level.
> Debug (type H for help)
> (TRUENAME #p"/Lisp/src/iter.lisp")
> 0] Backtrace
> 0: (TRUENAME #p"/Lisp/src/iter.lisp")
> 1: (C::TRY-WITH-TYPE #p"/Lisp/src/iter.lisp" "lisp" T)
> 2: (C::VERIFY-SOURCE-FILES "/Lisp/src/iter.lisp")
> 3: (COMPILE-FILE "/Lisp/src/iter.lisp"
> "/Lisp/bin/iter.x86f"
> ...)
> 4: (NIL "iter")
> 5: ("Top-Level Form")[:TOP-LEVEL]
> #<Stream for file "/usr/local/lisp/cm-cvs/cm/src/cm.lisp">)
> 7: (COMMON-LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #p"/Lisp/src/cm.lisp"
> #p"/usr/local/lisp/cm-cvs/cm/src/cm.lisp"
> 8: (COMMON-LISP::INTERNAL-LOAD #p"/Lisp/src/cm.lisp"
> #p"/usr/local/lisp/cm-cvs/cm/src/cm.lisp"
> NIL)
> 9: (LOAD "/Lisp/src/cm.lisp" :VERBOSE NIL :PRINT ...)
> 10: (INTERACTIVE-EVAL (LOAD "/Lisp/src/cm.lisp"))
> 0]
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