[CM] cm install fails with cmucl

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Fri, 7 Nov 2003 09:21:04 -0600

ok this may be a bug. its been awhile since i did (gencm) in cmucl, so 
ill crank it up and take a look. meanwhile you can build from the 
tarball at ccrma, which already has the .lisp sources in it. i tested 
it today in cmucl 18e and cm builds with clm-2 just fine.

On Friday, Nov 7, 2003, at 09:04 America/Chicago, Orm Finnendahl wrote:

> Am 07. November 2003, 08:33 Uhr (-0600) schrieb Rick Taube:
>> If you got the sources from CVS, did you remember to generate the CLTL
>> sources before trying to build?   CVS holds scheme code (as much as
>> possible)  So to build from CVS for any CLTL you need to do this 
>> first:
>>> (load "/lisp/cm-2.4.0/src/stocl")
>>> (gencm)
>> see Step 4 under:
>> 	http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/install.html#install_cvs
> That was the problem, sorry again. I wasn't even aware you had to do
> that in spite our previous discussions and the install docs. This
> clearly isn't my day.
> Regarding the build: Loading cm.lisp now starts up fine but dies here
> after lots of output (hope I didn't mess up again):
> ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form:
> ; Converted PROCESS.
> ; Converted DEFPROCESS.
> ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form:
> ; Compiling "/Lisp/src/objects.lisp".
> ; Loading "/Lisp/bin/objects.x86f".
> Error in C::BYTE-FDEFN-FUNCTION-OR-LOSE-XOP: the function PARSE-FOR is
> undefined.
> Restarts:
>   0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "/Lisp/bin/objects.x86f".
>   1:            Return NIL from load of "/Lisp/src/cm.lisp".
>   2: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.
> Debug  (type H for help)
> (C::BYTE-FDEFN-FUNCTION-OR-LOSE-XOP #<Code Object "Top-Level Form" 
> {4875505F}>
>                                     7
>                                     8
>                                     74)
> Source:
> ; File: target:code/byte-interp.lisp
> 0]