[CM] multiple sound cards

Vincent Arkesteijn vincent at arkesteijn.net
Wed Nov 5 06:59:07 PST 2003

Thanks for your reply.

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 06:05:19AM -0800, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
> (mus-audio-describe) will try to report what sound
> cards it found.

* (mus-audio-describe)
OSS version: 1.9.8
1 card found

/dev/music: No such file or directory
no synth found

  mixer     recording  active     stereo    current
  channel   source     source     device    level
  --------  --------   --------   --------  -------- 
  Vol          no        no        yes      0.74 0.74
  Synth        no        no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Pcm          no        no        yes      0.72 0.72
  Line         yes       no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Mic          yes       yes       no       0.16
  CD           yes       no        yes      0.75 0.75

    sampling rate: 8000, chans: 1, sample size: 8 bits, block size: 4096
bytes (16 fragments)
  supported formats:
    unsigned byte (default)
            sample        srate
  channels   size      min      max
     1         8      4000     43478
     2         8      4000     21739

  mixer     recording  active     stereo    current
  channel   source     source     device    level
  --------  --------   --------   --------  -------- 
  Vol          no        no        yes      0.96 0.96
  Bass         no        no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Trebl        no        no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Synth        yes       no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Pcm          no        no        yes      0.93 0.93
  Spkr         no        no        no       0.75
  Line         yes       no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Mic          yes       yes       no       0.16
  CD           yes       no        yes      0.75 0.75
  Mix          no        no        no       0.00
  IGain        no        no        yes      0.75 0.75
  OGain        no        no        yes      0.75 0.75

    sampling rate: 8000, chans: 1, sample size: 8 bits, block size: 4096
bytes (16 fragments)
  supported formats:
    unsigned byte (default)
    signed little-endian short
  full duplex
            sample        srate
  channels   size      min      max
     1         8      5000     44100
     1        16      5000     44100
     2         8      5000     44100
     2        16      5000     44100


All the mixer settings, their levels and the available word sizes and
sample rates seem all right, except for the max sample rates on the
first sound card.

However, the "1 card found" seems to contradict the rest of the
report. Also, it looks like the line that says '/dev/dsp:' should
say '/dev/mixer:' instead and the line that says '/dev/dsp0:'
should say '/dev/dsp:'. There is no /dev/dsp0 on my system, only:

crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   3 Aug 20  1999 /dev/dsp
crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,  19 Aug 20  1999 /dev/dsp1
crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   0 Aug 20  1999 /dev/mixer
crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,  16 Aug 20  1999 /dev/mixer1

Any ideas?

> 8-bit cards should not be a problem.
I can't reproduce the
"data format 10 (little endian short (16 bits)) not available on /dev/dsp"
error message, so I'm not sure what I was doing wrong yesterday. Today,
the first violin example in the manual doesn't give me an error message
anymore, but no sound either. I assume that could be related to the sound
card detection problem?


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