[CM] cm with openmcl and xemacs

Johannes Quint johannes.quint at web.de
Tue Jul 8 15:17:54 PDT 2003

On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 09:50 PM, Rick Taube wrote:

> If you want to work on OSX with CLM and CM etc then you need to 
> install some stuff first. I sent a note to the list awhile back 
> detailing exactly what you had to do, maybe someone still has a copy 
> of that message and can repost, or maybe you can look in the cmdist 
> archive. basically you have to:
> 	download/install Apple's beta 3 of Xemacs 
> (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
> 	download/install Apples Developer Tools 
> (http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/)
> 	download/install fink (http://fink.sf.net) and then Xemacs 
> (http://fink.sfe.net/pdb/package.php/xemacs-sumo-pkg

after downloading all, now my error-message has changed:


open /Applications/cm-2.4.0/bin/xcm

i get:

/Applications/cm-2.4.0/bin/xcm; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[Johannes-Quints-Computer:~] johannes% /Applications/cm-2.4.0/bin/xcm; 
[Process completed]

and nothing happens..

what's now my mistake?

tanks again jq

Johannes Quint
D-53225 Bonn
0228 468256
johannes.quint at web.de
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