[CM] cm with openmcl and xemacs

Johannes Quint johannes.quint at web.de
Fri Jul 4 14:34:18 PDT 2003

On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 10:31 PM, Rick Taube wrote:

>> yesterday i've downloaded xemacs from this site:
>> is this another version as yours?
> yes. if you read the xemacs homepage they probably dont support osx. 
> So you should install all X Windows and Linux apps for ISX via Fink. 
> The Fink project makes Linux and Xwindoes software avaialble to 
> compile and run on OSX. Fink is built on top of the debian apt-get 
> tool set, except that after it downloads software it pathches the 
> sources to compile and run on OSX. Fink also has binary releases of 
> its 'stable' software pacakges, these you can download and then run.  
> There is also a GUI to Fink. I dont use it myself, but Google 'fink 
> commander' for more info. Perhaps at some point in the future projects 
> like Xemacs and Guile will provide that their own software runs on 
> OSX, but  until then use Fink.

http://fink.sfe.net/pdb/package.php/xemacs-sumo-pkg: this link seems to 
work no more. but on the fink site there is a link to www.xemacs.org, 
so i hope thats ok (xemacs _alone_ can be launched on my computer...).

>  I sent a note to the list awhile back detailing exactly what you had 
> to do

did you remember the month?

thanks again


Johannes Quint
D-53225 Bonn
0228 468256
johannes.quint at web.de
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