[CM] ooooooops!
cristopher pierson ewing
cewing at u.washington.edu
Thu Jan 30 18:08:16 PST 2003
Imagine my embarassment to find one of my own mistakes in this code:
It should read like this:
(defmethod change-env-dur ((env clm::seg) dur)
(restart-env env)
(let* ((new-env (copy-object env))
(old-dur (/ (+ (clm::seg-end env) 1) *srate*))
(dur-ratio (float (/ dur old-dur)))
(new-data (loop for val in (clm::seg-data env)
for i upfrom 0
collect (if (evenp i)
(* val dur-ratio);mistake was here
;need to rescale
;breakpoint x-vals too
(/ val dur-ratio))))
(new-end (floor (- (* (+ (clm::seg-end env) 1) dur-ratio) 1))))
(setf (clm::seg-data new-env) new-data
(clm::seg-restart-data new-env) new-data
(clm::seg-end new-env) new-end)
Sorry about that (sheepish grin).
Cris Ewing
CARTAH Assistant
University of Washington
Home Phone: (206) 365-3413
E-mail: cewing at u.washington.edu
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