[CM] My article

Michael Scholz scholz-micha at gmx.de
Mon Jan 27 17:02:07 PST 2003

> My French is a bit rusty (high school was a long time ago...), but
> what I can read is very nice -- thanks!  As I was looking at it, and
> earlier at a screenshot Stefan Schwandter sent me, it was obvious
> Snd needs internationalization -- the English menus and so on stick
> out like a sore thumb.  But... I don't know anything about this --
> will have to look at gettext I guess.

In case of internationalization of menus one can create several
resource files for different languages.  For example if I use `setenv
LANG de' for german I can use a file called $HOME/de/Snd (or
$X11-PATH/de/app-defaults/Snd) containing something like that:

% cat ~/de/Snd
!! Snd resources: German -*- xrdb -*-

!! Main menu

		Snd*menuBar.File.labelString: Datei
		Snd*menuBar.Edit.labelString: Editieren
		Snd*menuBar.View.labelString: Ansicht
	     Snd*menuBar*Options.labelString: Optionen
		Snd*menuBar*Help.labelString: Hilfe

!! File menu

Snd*menuBar*filem.Open   C-x C-f.labelString: Öffnen     C-x C-f
  Snd*menuBar*filem.Close  C-x k.labelString: Schließen  C-x k
Snd*menuBar*filem.Save   C-x C-s.labelString: Speichern  C-x C-s
       Snd*menuBar*filem.Save as.labelString: Speichern als
	Snd*menuBar*filem.Revert.labelString: Zurück
Snd*menuBar*filem.Mix    C-x C-q.labelString: Mischen    C-x C-q
	Snd*menuBar*filem.Record.labelString: Aufnahme


!! Help menu

Snd*menuBar*helpm.Click for help.labelString: Klicken für Hilfe
      Snd*menuBar*helpm.Overview.labelString: Allgemein


But the whole help strings may be rearranged with the gettext()
function.  If you are looking for translating the german resource and
po-files, I would try it.


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