[CM] Sprouting processes from sequences?

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 23 03:40:47 PST 2003

actually, as i look at it i realize you should not use enqueue - just call schedule-object recursivly instead. that way the stuff you are adding will get initialized correctly no matter what it is.

(defmethod schedule-object ((obj arpeggio) start)
  (let ((add (create-arpeggio-objects obj)))
     ;; add stuff to queue but not self.
     (dolist (a add)
       (schedule-object a start ))))

>What do the third and fourth arguments to "engueue" do? Obviously they

i think its <start-time>  <curent-time> but dont use that function.

>Rick Taube wrote:
>> hmm that sounds like a neat idea. i think you can simply define the class however you want and then define a method on 'schedule-object' for your class. your method inserts arpeggio stuff instead of the object itself:
>> (defmethod schedule-object ((obj arpeggio) start)
>>   (let ((add (create-arpeggio-objects obj)))
>>      ;; add stuff to queue but not self.
>>      (dolist (a add)
>>        (enqueue a start start))))
>> look in schedule.scm (or schedule.lisp) for the schedule-object methods.
>What do the third and fourth arguments to "engueue" do? Obviously they
>deal with the time the event should be scheduled, but why two arguments
>and what is the difference in function between them?
>Larry Troxler

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