[CM] Re: [Csnd] Common Music and Csound question

Larry Troxler lt@westnet.com
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:58:26 -0500

(Rick, did you get my sample csound instrument and score output hook? I
remember sending it but I don't find it in my Sent-folder)

steven yi wrote:
> Hi all,
> After reading the latest news at Dave Philip's wonderful Linux sound
> site I decided to take another stab at understanding Common Music.  That
> being said, I explored a bit and got things running and ran some of the
> examples (the Reich piano phase example is very cool).  Well, after
> looking around a bit, I still couldn't figure out how to go about
> outputting csound SCO.
> Does anyone have any examples or could help point me in the right
> direction?
> thanks,
> steven

Hi, I'm sending this to the Common Music list as well, since this is
really a question about Common Music and not Csound.

;;; You have to something like the following (although maybe it's
already implemented in 
;;; latest CM 2.4 tarball). This variable tells CM what to do after
generating the score file.
;;; Of course you can adjust the csound options to taste :

;;; Standard Csound output hook
 #'(lambda (fil)
	 (shell "csound -W -d -m0 -o csound.wav csound.orc ~a" fil)))

;;; Then to generate a soundfile do this:
(events #!some-object "csound.sco")
Now you have to define some instruments in CM that correspond to the
instruments in your csound orchestra file. 

I see that the copy that I have, and that Dave Phillips posted, of the
intro.cm file is out of date with respect to defining csound
instruments, and it needs a corresponding csound orchestra file to make
everything clear. 

I can post my orc and CM instrument definition files, but let's move
this discussion to the CM list, as this is clearly off-topic on the
Csound list, which is busy enough as it is.

Steven, email me if you need help on subscribing.

Larry Troxler

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