[CM] a with-sound question

cristopher pierson ewing cewing@u.washington.edu
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:04:06 -0800 (PST)

I have a set of objects which store potential information for calls to
clm instruments.  I have a macro which takes any of these objects and the
data held within, and writes out the call to the instrument for use within
a call to (with-sound).

When I call with-sound using the method on an object, it writes an empty
soundfile, but if i use with-sound with (eval (method object)), then it
works.  I guess this means that although my method is writing the call to
the instrument properly, it is not getting evaluated once it is written.

I have been told by a master (thanks Rick!) that using eval means that
something isn't right.  Any ideas on how this might ba made to work?  I
will include the relevant bits of code below.




;;;First, a few parameters for the sampler's environment:
(defconstant +sample-root+ "SND/samples/"); here's where samples live
(defconstant +home-dir+ (namestring (user-homedir-pathname)))

;;;classes and methods to support the use of samples

;;sample-class.  Holds the information about a single sample
(defclass sample () ;holds information needed to call on a sample
          ((name :accessor sample-name :initarg :name :initform nil)
           (path :accessor sample-path :initarg :path :initform "")
           (pitch :accessor sample-pitch :initarg :pitch :initform 'x)))

;gets the path-name info from a sample object:
(defmethod get-path ((obj sample))
    (concatenate 'string +home-dir+ +sample-root+ (sample-path obj)))

; prints an object well
(defmethod print-object ((obj sample) stream)
    (format stream "<sample: ~A>" (sample-path obj)))

;;Basic, changing-srate input instrument.  Srt-env could be a flat rate, a
;;   linear env, or a set of breakpoints. Allows for skipping a percent of
;;   the start of the file or of the end or of both
(definstrument src-player (filename start-time srt-env
				    (amp 1.0) (width 40)
                                    (skip-percent 0) (trim-percent 0))
  (let* ((f (open-input* filename))           ;open input file
         (base-dur (sound-duration filename)) ;find old duration
         (base-frames (sound-frames filename));find num frames
         (skip-frames (if (not (= 0 skip-percent));do we skip any?
			 base-frames skip-percent);set skip-frames
         (dur                                 ;figure new duration
           base-dur srt-env (+ skip-percent trim-percent)))
         (srt (if (listp srt-env)             ;is srt-env an env?
                0                             ;yes? set srt to zero
                srt-env))                     ;no? set srt to srt-env
         (senv (if (listp srt-env)            ;is srt-env an env?
                 (make-env :envelope srt-env
		           :duration dur);make an instance
                 (make-env :envelope '(0 0 1 0)
			   :duration dur)));make a default
         (src-gen (make-src :input f
			    :srate srt
			    :width 40)));make src instance
    (multiple-value-bind (beg end) (times->samples start-time dur)
      (setf (mus-location src-gen)            ;set start-location
            (if (< srt 0)                     ;if reverse play
              (- base-frames skip-frames)     ;end - skip
              skip-frames))                   ;start + skip
       (loop for i from beg below end do
             (outa i (* amp (src src-gen (env senv))))));output sound
      (close-input f))))                      ;close input file

;;;Functions which are playback related.  These support
;;;   functionality in the playback instruments of the clm-sampler.

;;Playback-avg takes an envelope for playback rate and determines the
;;   average playback speed for that envelope.
(defun playback-avg (env)
  (let ((ox (car env))
        (oy (cadr env)))
    (loop for x in env by #'cddr
          for y in (cdr env) by #'cddr
          sum (+ (- (* (abs x) (abs y))(* (abs ox) (abs y)))
                 (- (* (abs x) (abs oy))(* (abs ox) (abs oy))))
          into s
          do (setf ox x oy y)
          finally (return (/ s 2.0 x)))))

;;Dur-o-matic takes the original duration of a soundfile, and the playback
;;   rate (or envelope of playback rates) at which the soundfile is to be
;;   played, and returns the duration of the soundfile at that rate. It
;;   figures in skiptime.
(defun dur-o-matic (base-dur pbrate skip-percent)
  (let ((dur (if (not (= 0 skip-percent));scale original dur
               (- base-dur
                  (percent-scaler base-dur skip-percent))
        (rate 0.0))
  (setf rate (if (listp pbrate);if it's a list, then its an envelope.
               (playback-avg pbrate);find the average of the envelope
               pbrate))        ;or return the numeric rate
  (abs (/ dur rate))));figure newdur = olddur/rate (abs for reverse)

;;percent-scaler takes n number and x percentage and returns the value
that is
;;   x percent of n
(defun percent-scaler (num perc)
  (* num (/ perc 100.0)))

;;Get-item is designed to parse values in object slots.  If slot value is
;;   a number, that number is returned, if it is a list, then index(0-1) is
;;   required and the list is treated as an envelope for interpolation.  If
;;   the slot value is a pattern, then the next value in that pattern is
;;   returned.
(defun get-item (input &optional (index 0))
  (typecase input
    (number input)
    (symbol input)
    (list (interpl index input))
    (pattern (next input))
    (sample input)
    (string input)))

;;;Control the src-player instrument with this object:
;;ins class.  A super-class for all instruments

(defclass sampler-ins ()
          ((time :accessor ins-time :initarg :time :initform 0)))

;;input class.  A super-class for all input intruments

(defclass input (sampler-ins)
          ((sample :accessor ins-sample :initarg :sample :initform nil)))

;;src-player class.  holds info to create calls to the src-player

(defclass src-player-gen (input)
          ((rate :accessor ins-rate :initarg :rate :initform 1)
           (amplitude :accessor ins-amp :initarg :amp :initform 1)
           (width :accessor ins-width :initarg :width :initform 40)
           (skip :accessor ins-skip :initarg :skip :initform 0)
           (trim :accessor ins-trim :initarg :trim :initform 0)))

(defmethod write-ins ((obj src-player-gen))
    (let ((time (ins-time obj))
          (sample-path (get-path (typecase (ins-sample obj)
				     (eval (next (ins-sample obj))))
                                   (t (ins-sample obj)))))
          (rate (get-item (ins-rate obj)))
          (amplitude (get-item (ins-amp obj)))
          (width (get-item (ins-width obj)))
          (skip (get-item (ins-skip obj)))
          (trim (get-item (ins-trim obj))))
      (list 'src-player sample-path time rate amplitude width skip trim)))

(defmethod print-object ((obj src-player-gen) stream)
    (format stream "<src-player | sample: ~A | rate: ~A >"
            (sample-path (ins-sample obj)) (ins-rate obj)))

So compile and load the above code and then run the following to see what
I mean:

;first, amke a sample object:
(setf samp (make-instance 'sample :name 'some-samp
				  :path "path/to/some-sample";relative to
				  :pitch 100.0)); or whatever

;next, make an src-player-gen
(setf player (make-instance 'src-player-gen :sample samp)

;check the writing method
(write-ins player)
;should evaluate to the following:
(src-player "/homedir/sample-root/some-samp" 0 1 1 40 0 0)

;now watch what happens from within with-sound:
(with-sound (:play nil) (write-ins player))

;and if I use eval:
(with-sound (:play nil) (eval (write-ins player)))

;end code examps

Any suggestions as to why this eval is needed would be greatly
appreciated, as would any ideas of ways to get rid of it.

Thanks much,


Cris Ewing
CARTAH Assistant
University of Washington
Home Phone: (206) 365-3413
E-mail: cewing@u.washington.edu