[CM] Re: cannot record wav at 44100.

Paul set at pobox.com
Sun Jan 5 23:10:29 PST 2003

Thierry Dumont <tdumont2 at wanadoo.fr>, on Sun Jan 05, 2003 [05:59:07 PM] said:
> Hello,
> I am new to snd; I hope these questions are not too stupid.
>  I want to digitalize my connection of vinyls disks, and
> to make audio cd's.
> To do this, I think I must make "raw" or "wav" files, 16 bits,
> at 44100, something like that:
> "RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 
> 44100 Hz"
> But, I can only record at 22050Hz...and the cds I make are not correct:
> Elisabeth Scwrtzkopf sings too fast :-)
> If I try to record at 44100, snd crashes (segfault).


	I dont know about your snd problems. But if you are
moving vinal to cd, you may want to look into gramofile:


	Also, for noise removal, you can look at gwc:
(its somewhat flakey, but when it works, it works good)


	Personally, I dont think recording is what snd does best,
lots of people like ecasound:
(the vu meters in snd give me warm fuzzies though:)


	Finally, if you cannot get anything to record at 44.1k,
you could try resampling:) Sox, can do it if you know the right
magic. How well does/can snd resample?

set at pobox.com

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