[CM] new chapters available

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Jan 2 08:58:28 PST 2003

Ive got another batch of chapters ready and I would be grateful for any feedback -- typos, suggestions, errata etc.

I'm releasing three of the new chapters today, they  are:

09. Parameterized Sound Description

14. Microtonality, Tuning and Modes

15. Scaling and Offsetting

I have another three almost ready and will release them on sat. or sunday at the latest. 

If you use the Up navagation on the pages you will get to the contents pages. Ive disable all links to part 1 until I have a moment to regenerate them in the new doc formats.

Please note also that I have not had time to test the examples yet, i will do this weekend. I will also be adding MIDI files to the pages so readers can listen to examples without having to generate them.

the tunings chapter forced me to fix a few bugs -- you will need the new cm-2.4.0 tarball if you want to try the examples. but as i said, i havent had time yet to test them and make sure they work.

i hope you like the new color coded examples, courtesy of tobas kunze's emacs settings.  all of the plots were generaed in plotter, a couple of them are really pretty if i say so myself!


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