[CM] CM output to CMN

Anders Vinjar andersvi at notam02.no
Mon Aug 18 01:26:20 PDT 2003

    mp> I'm having a problem with output to CMN with the most
    mp> recent CM and CMN releases. From the file "intro.cm":

I think this trouble is related to a possible typo in
cm-2.4.0/src/cmn.lisp.  Try substituting 'ids for 'data down in
the method-spec of 'deinitialize-io in cmn.lisp (line 91 in

Rick will have to approve though.

Heres a diff:

*** /tmp/andersvi/cmn.lisp~ylAjj1	2003-08-18 10:17:02.000000000 +0200
--- /tmp/andersvi/cmn.lispylAVtE	2003-08-18 10:17:02.000000000 +0200
*** 88,96 ****
    (flet ((get-active-staff-stuff (score)
             (let ((ids '()) (data '()))
!              (setf data
                     (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) v (cons k p)) '()
               (setf ids (sort ids #'<))
               (dolist (id ids)
                 (let* ((desc (gethash id *cmn-staves*))
--- 88,96 ----
    (flet ((get-active-staff-stuff (score)
             (let ((ids '()) (data '()))
! 	     (setf ids
                     (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) v (cons k p)) '()
               (setf ids (sort ids #'<))
               (dolist (id ids)
                 (let* ((desc (gethash id *cmn-staves*))

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