[CM] learning scheme/lisp

Rick Taylor ricktaylor at speakeasy.net
Fri Aug 8 06:13:12 PDT 2003

On Thu, 7 Aug 2003 10:12:41 -0500
Jeremiah Benham <JBenham at mktadvantage.com> wrote:

> > I think it would be cool to eveuntually write a plugin to interact with
> festival within snd.  It probably should not be to hard since festival can
> be scripted through sceme already.

 It would be nice if you could run snd in a emacs buffer as well.

 {which is probably possible already but I don't know how to do it.}

 Then you could take advantage of all of the pre-existing lisp code
 and sound extensions that already run in emacs. {Maybe guile-emacs
 or tex-emacs}

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