[CM] Novice Help

Ali Serkan Sevilgen ali at sevilgen.com
Fri Apr 11 00:58:54 PDT 2003

Hi, I am Ali Serkan Sevilgen. I am a senior student at Music Technology 
Department of Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey. I am 
working on my senior project which aims to explore the compositional 
possibilities in computer music. I hope this project will be a good 
starting point in Turkey to attract academical interest to computer 

I see that Common Music is the most widely used composition tool having 
Csound score file generation ability. However for a novice like me it 
is tricky to use it, even to install it (at least for me). I am very 
new to Lisp and Emacs (I've started learning Lisp after realizing CM is 
written in Lisp) and also have some experience in programming. I need 
something like "Common Music for Dummies" since i couldn't even install 
the software neither on Linux nor Windows. I searched the internet, 
found something but it didn't work.

I don't want to bother the list with my beginner questions however, I 
really need help. Will anyone who has time (and patience:) may contact 
me, please? All help will be very appreciated.

Best Regards

Ali Serkan Sevilgen  

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