[CM] Two LISP Questions
cristopher pierson ewing
cewing at u.washington.edu
Sat Sep 7 14:33:29 PDT 2002
Oh, woops, I found the answer to question #2 in CLTL2 (sheepish grin)
I still wonder about #1, though.
On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, cristopher pierson ewing wrote:
> Hello all,
> Two questions,
> 1. Has anybody else noticed that CLISP doesn't seem to have the function
> (change-class) implemented? Is my version screwy in some way?
> 2. In common lisp, is there a function or anything that one can use to
> find out what type of lisp is being used? I have created two types of
> objects to store time-code values, one in HH:MM:SS.SS format, and one in
> SMPTE format HH:MM:SS:FRAMES. I have also created two types of ways to
> convert one to the other, in ACL i have a "change-class" that properly
> converts frames to fractions of seconds and the same in reverse, and since
> CLISP doesn't seem to implement change-class (see above) a method for each
> object type that returns an object of the opposite type. I would like to
> be able to query the lisp system to find out what type of lisp is being
> used so that I can decide intelligently which to use in a given situation,
> but I can't figure out what to use to find this out.
> Any ideas?
> C
> ********************************
> Cris Ewing
> CARTAH Assistant
> University of Washington
> Home Phone: (206) 365-3413
> E-mail: cewing at u.washington.edu
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