[CM] debuggin ligeti

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Tue Nov 12 08:39:05 PST 2002

Tobias Kunze Briseño wrote:
> hm.  i managed to load it with the attached diffs applied.  however,
> the logic seems to be screwed up (flow is different from my original),
> so i guess that didn't cut it.
> re rewrite, the (original cm 1.3) source is at:
>    http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~tkunze/publ/99/desordre/ligeti.html
> there is also a midi file, if that's all what you wanted ;)

Thank you for the diffs, Tobias. I'd already "fixed" things through the
first three event calls, but I'm having trouble with desordre-woctaves
and desordre-voices. I'll send a full report when I've checked out the
errors more closely.

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips

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