[CM] newbie: rhythm confusion

Carl Edwards carl.boingie at rcn.com
Thu Jun 27 19:05:20 PDT 2002

I think I'm having a little trouble understanding the use of rhythm. I was
trying to get a rotation of a 4 beat phrase but my output has totally even
durations and timing. Can somebody take a look at the process below and tell
me what I'm doing wrong.

(defprocess my-first ()
  (process repeat 96
           for k =(new random of '((60 weight .2143)
                         (62 weight .0714)
                         (64 weight .1429)
                         (65 weight .0714)
                         (67 weight .2143)
                         (69 weight .1429)
                         (70 weight .1429)))
           for r = (new rotation of '(q e. h s))
           for x = (now)
           for ba = (rhythm (next r))
           output (new midi time x
                          keynum (next k)
                          duration ba
                          amplitude .5)
           wait ba))

Minor hiccups aside, this is the most fun I've had in a good long time.

Thanks in advance.

Carl Edwards

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