[CM] trying clm with cmucl on

Pat Pagano ppagano at bellsouth.net
Tue Jun 25 13:03:48 PDT 2002

OK here is my first try of clm-2 with cmucl lisp
How do i proceed to get back to where i was with clisp?
I am simply using cnv, pvoc, zipper etc...and hopefully soon ATS-1.0
loading the "all.lisp" file supplied in clm-2 gives this.........

[root at localhost CLISP]# lisp
CMU Common Lisp 18d, running on localhost.localdomain
Send questions to cmucl-help at cons.org. and bug reports to
cmucl-imp at cons.org.
Loaded subsystems:
    Python 1.0, target Intel x86
    CLOS based on PCL version:  September 16 92 PCL (f)
* (load "/root/CLISP/clm-2/all.lisp")

; Loading #p"/root/CLISP/clm-2/all.lisp".
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/io.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/io.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/headers.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/headers.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/audio.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/audio.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/sound.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/sound.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/cmus.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/cmus.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Compiling "/root/CLISP/clm-2/clmnet.c"
cc: /root/CLISP/clm-2/clmnet.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files
; Creating "/root/CLISP/clm-2/libclm.so"
ld: cannot open /root/CLISP/clm-2/headers.o: No such file or directory
;; Loading #p"/root/CLISP/clm-2/special-form-for-cmu.cl".
;; Loading #p"/root/CLISP/clm-2/clm-package.x86f".
;; Loading #p"/root/CLISP/clm-2/initmus.x86f".
Warning:  Declaring CLM::*CLM-COMPILER-NAME* special.
;;; Running /usr/bin/ld...

File-error in function LOAD-FOREIGN:
   File does not exist: /root/CLISP/clm-2/libclm.so.

  0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "/root/CLISP/clm-2/all.lisp".
  1: [ABORT   ] Return to Top-Level.

Debug  (type H for help)

(LOAD-FOREIGN "/root/CLISP/clm-2/libclm.so" :LIBRARIES ("-lc")
Source: Error finding source:
Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM:  Source file no longer

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