[CM] snd 5.11

Marcus Roeckrath marcus.roeckrath@gmx.de
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 23:49:29 +0200

Hello Bill,

Bill Schottstaedt wrote on Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2002 12:58 about [CM] snd 5.11:

> The prebuilt linux-snd at ccrma-ftp no longer loads libXm
>   statically (that is, you'll need it on your system) --

Therefor it doesn't run on SuSEs up to SuSE 8.0 because there is libXm.so.2 
available only.

>  fftw libraries librfftw and libfftw.

Does snd start without them? Do you have good source for them?


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Mailer/BBS/Fax : +49-2536-9943 (V34, X75)
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E-Mail : marcus.roeckrath@gmx.de
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