[CM] openmcl cmn mac-osx

Michal Seta mis at creazone.com
Thu Jul 11 20:53:17 PDT 2002

Seems to be working in openmcl under linux (Debian-PPC) as well although I got some Undefined functions:

;Compiler warnings for "/home/mis/bin/cmn/cmn-grfx.lisp" :
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT (2 references), in CMN::G-PAGE-NUMBER.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-SEND.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-BBOX.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-FOOTER.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT (11 references), in CMN::G-HEADER.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-MUSTEXT.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-TEXT.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-FILL.
;   Undefined function CMN::D_MOVETO, in CMN::G-DRAW.
;   Undefined function CMN::D_LINETO, in CMN::G-DRAW.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-DRAW.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-LINEWIDTHCLEARED, in CMN::G-DRAW.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-ARC.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-CURVETO, in CMN::G-CURVETO.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-DASHED-LINE.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-LINETO, in CMN::G-DASHED-LINE.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-RLINETO, in CMN::G-DASHED-LINE.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-RLINETO, in CMN::G-RLINETO.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-LINETO, in CMN::G-LINETO.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-RMOVETO, in CMN::G-RMOVETO.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-MOVETO, in CMN::G-MOVETO.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-SET-FONT.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-SET-COLOR.
;   Undefined function CMN::D_PENSIZE, in CMN::G-SET-LINE-WIDTH.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-LINEWIDTH, in CMN::G-SET-LINE-WIDTH.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-PRINT, in CMN::G-POP.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-MATRIX, in CMN::G-PUSH.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-COMMENT, in CMN::G-COMMENT.
;   Undefined function CMN::CMN-RECEIVE-SND-1, in CMN::CMN-RECEIVE-SND.
;Compiler warnings for "/home/mis/bin/cmn/cmn0.lisp" :
;   Undefined function CMN::C-CLOSE, in CMN::CMN.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-CLOSE, in CMN::FINALIZE.
;   Undefined function CMN::C-OPEN, in CMN::INITIALIZE.

But I generated a couple of test scores and got them (I guess...)

I'm just getting into it so can't really test thoroughly.
CM does not load:

> Error: 
>        Common Music runs under MacOS, Linux or Windows
> While executing: "Unknown"
> Type :POP to abort.
Type :? for other options.

but I don't know (yet) lisp enough to hack whatever.  And then I guess fixing it (if not trivial) would be a waste of effort if porting to guile is in plans.

Anyways, just wanted to let y'all know.



On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:05:26 -0700
Bill Schottstaedt <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> With a push from Michael Klingbeil, I've ported CMN to OpenMCL
> in Darwin (Mac OSX).  Now for CLM...
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Michal Seta		http://creazone.eworldmusic.com/doc/mis
CreaZone		http://www.creazone.com
No One Receiving	http://creazone.eworldmusic.com/doc/nor

upcoming release:
NOR - "The Release of the Wandering-Eyed Girl"

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