From kcross at Thu Apr 25 18:31:18 2002 From: kcross at (KJC) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:31:18 -0700 Subject: [CM] Unbound variable? Message-ID: I'm new to Linux and configuring 'snd'. Can anyone tell me how to avoid the 'unbound variable' found in the 'misc.scm' file? [18:00:17] Unbound variable: root/snd-5 ; (load "/root/snd-5/misc.scm") (while loading "/root/snd-5/misc.scm") here's the complete file: (root/snd-5 "examp.scm") (root/snd-5 "extensions.scm") (root/snd-5 "dsp.scm") (root/snd-5 "draw.scm") (root/snd-5 "env.scm") (root/snd-5 "enved.scm") (root/snd-5 "hooks.scm") (root/snd-5 "marks.scm") (root/snd-5 "mix.scm") (root/snd-5 "moog.scm") (root/snd-5 "play.scm") (root/snd-5 "popup.scm") (root/snd-5 "rubber.scm") (root/snd-5 "zip.scm") (root/snd-5 "special-menu.scm") (root/snd-5 "new-backgrounds.scm") (root/snd-5 "panic.scm") (root/snd-5 "plugins-menu.scm") (root/snd-5 "fft-menu.scm") (root/snd-5 "contrib/edit123.scm") (title-with-date) (keep-file-dialog-open-upon-ok) (keep-mix-dialog-open-upon-ok) (make-hidden-controls-dialog) (check-for-unsaved-edits #t) (add-hook! after-open-hook show-disk-space) ;(define wd (make-pixmap (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets))) rough)) ;(for-each-child (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets))) (lambda (w) (|XtSetValues w (list |XmNbackgroundPixmap wd)))) (define wd (make-pixmap (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets))) rough)) ;(define (paint-all widget) ; (for-each-child ; (|Widget widget) ; (lambda (w) ; (|XtSetValues w (list |XmNbackgroundPixmap wd))))) (define (paint-all widget) (for-each-child (|Widget widget) (lambda (w) (if (not (or (|XmIsPushButton w))) ; (|XmIsArrowButton w))) ; (|XmIsToggleButton w))) (|XtSetValues w (list |XmNbackgroundPixmap wd)))))) (paint-all (cadr (main-widgets))) (for-each (lambda (w) (if w (paint-all w))) (dialog-widgets)) (add-hook! new-widget-hook paint-all) (set! (mix-waveform-height) 32) ;;; (with-level-meters 2) (add-mark-pane) (add-sound-file-extension "ogg") (add-sound-file-extension "OGG") (add-sound-file-extension "sf") (add-sound-file-extension "SF2") (add-sound-file-extension "mp3") (add-sound-file-extension "MP3") (add-sound-file-extension "W01") (add-sound-file-extension "W02") (add-sound-file-extension "W03") (add-sound-file-extension "W04") (add-sound-file-extension "W05") (add-sound-file-extension "W06") (add-sound-file-extension "W07") (add-sound-file-extension "W08") (add-sound-file-extension "W09") (add-sound-file-extension "W10") (add-sound-file-extension "w01") (add-sound-file-extension "w02") (add-sound-file-extension "w03") (add-sound-file-extension "w04") (add-sound-file-extension "w05") (add-sound-file-extension "w06") (add-sound-file-extension "w07") (add-sound-file-extension "w08") (add-sound-file-extension "w09") (add-sound-file-extension "w10") ;;; ;;; disable original Play radio button ;;; ;(add-hook! after-open-hook ; (lambda (snd) ; (|XtUnmanageChild (find-child (|Widget (list-ref (sound-widgets snd) 2)) "play")))) ;;; ;;; main menu additions ;;; ;;; -------- add delete and rename options to the file menu (define (add-delete-option) (add-to-menu 0 "Delete" ; add Delete option to File menu (lambda () ;; close current sound and delete it (after requesting confirmation) (if (>= (selected-sound) 0) (let ((filename (file-name))) (close-sound) (if (yes-or-no? (format #f "delete ~S?" filename)) (delete-file filename))))) 8)) ; place after File:New (define (add-rename-option) (let ((rename-dialog #f) (rename-text #f)) (add-to-menu 0 "Rename" (lambda () ;; open dialog to get new name, save-as that name, open (if (not rename-dialog) ;; make a standard dialog (let* ((xdismiss (|XmStringCreate "Dismiss" |XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (xhelp (|XmStringCreate "Help" |XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (xok (|XmStringCreate "DoIt" |XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (titlestr (|XmStringCreate "Rename" |XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG)) (new-dialog (|XmCreateTemplateDialog (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets))) "Rename" (list |XmNcancelLabelString xdismiss |XmNhelpLabelString xhelp |XmNokLabelString xok |XmNautoUnmanage #f |XmNdialogTitle titlestr |XmNresizePolicy |XmRESIZE_GROW |XmNnoResize #f |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color))) |XmNtransient #f)))) (for-each (lambda (button) (|XtVaSetValues (|XmMessageBoxGetChild new-dialog button) (list |XmNarmColor (|Pixel (snd-pixel (pushed-button-color))) |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color)))))) (list |XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON |XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON |XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON)) (|XtAddCallback new-dialog |XmNcancelCallback (lambda (w c i) (|XtUnmanageChild w))) (|XtAddCallback new-dialog |XmNhelpCallback (lambda (w c i) (help-dialog "Rename" "Give a new file name to rename the currently selected sound."))) (|XtAddCallback new-dialog |XmNokCallback (lambda (w c i) (let ((new-name (|XmTextFieldGetString rename-text))) (if (and (string? new-name) (> (string-length new-name) 0) (>= (selected-sound) 0)) (let ((current-name (file-name))) (save-sound-as new-name) (close-sound) (rename-file current-name new-name) (open-sound new-name) (|XtUnmanageChild w)))))) (|XmStringFree xhelp) (|XmStringFree xok) (|XmStringFree xdismiss) (|XmStringFree titlestr) (set! rename-dialog new-dialog) (let* ((mainform (|XtCreateManagedWidget "formd" |xmRowColumnWidgetClass rename-dialog (list |XmNleftAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNrightAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNtopAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNbottomAttachment |XmATTACH_WIDGET |XmNbottomWidget (|XmMessageBoxGetChild rename-dialog |XmDIALOG_SEPARATOR) |XmNorientation |XmVERTICAL |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color)))))) (label (|XtCreateManagedWidget "new name:" |xmLabelWidgetClass mainform (list |XmNleftAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNrightAttachment |XmATTACH_NONE |XmNtopAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNbottomAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color))))))) (set! rename-text (|XtCreateManagedWidget "newname" |xmTextFieldWidgetClass mainform (list |XmNleftAttachment |XmATTACH_WIDGET |XmNleftWidget label |XmNrightAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNtopAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNbottomAttachment |XmATTACH_FORM |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color)))))) (|XtAddEventHandler rename-text |EnterWindowMask #f (lambda (w context ev flag) (|XmProcessTraversal w |XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT) (|XtSetValues w (list |XmNbackground (white-pixel))))) (|XtAddEventHandler rename-text |LeaveWindowMask #f (lambda (w context ev flag) (|XtSetValues w (list |XmNbackground (|Pixel (snd-pixel (basic-color)))))))))) (if (not (|XtIsManaged rename-dialog)) (|XtManageChild rename-dialog) (raise-dialog rename-dialog))) 8))) (install-searcher-with-colors (lambda (file) #t)) (add-delete-option) (add-rename-option) ;;; ;;; poup menu stuff ;;; (change-graph-popup-color "pink") ;;;(add-selection-popup) (define (change-selection-popup-color new-color) ;; new-color can be the color name, an xm Pixel, a snd color, or a list of rgb values (as in Snd's make-color) (let ((color-pixel (if (string? new-color) ; assuming X11 color names here (let* ((shell (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets)))) (dpy (|XtDisplay shell)) (scr (|DefaultScreen dpy)) (cmap (|DefaultColormap dpy scr)) (col (|XColor))) (if (= (|XAllocNamedColor dpy cmap new-color col col) 0) (snd-error "can't allocate ~S" new-color) (|pixel col))) (if (color? new-color) (|Pixel (snd-pixel new-color)) (if (|Pixel? new-color) new-color ;; assume a list of rgb vals? (|Pixel (snd-pixel (apply make-color new-color)))))))) (for-each-child selection-popup-menu (lambda (n) (|XmChangeColor n color-pixel))))) (change-selection-popup-color "coral") (define (change-fft-popup-color new-color) (let ((color-pixel (if (string? new-color) ; assuming X11 color names here (let* ((shell (|Widget (cadr (main-widgets)))) (dpy (|XtDisplay shell)) (scr (|DefaultScreen dpy)) (cmap (|DefaultColormap dpy scr)) (col (|XColor))) (if (= (|XAllocNamedColor dpy cmap new-color col col) 0) (snd-error "can't allocate ~S" new-color) (|pixel col))) (if (color? new-color) (|Pixel (snd-pixel new-color)) (if (|Pixel? new-color) new-color ;; assume a list of rgb vals? (|Pixel (snd-pixel (apply make-color new-color)))))))) (for-each-child fft-popup-menu (lambda (n) (|XmChangeColor n color-pixel))))) (change-fft-popup-color "orange") ;(change-listener-popup-color "red") (add-to-menu 1 #f #f) ; separator ;;; ;;; additions to Edit menu ;;; (define selctr 0) ;;; -------- cut selection -> new file (define (cut-selection->new) (if (selection?) (let ((new-file-name (format #f "sel-~D.snd" selctr))) (set! selctr (+ selctr 1)) (save-selection new-file-name) (delete-selection) (open-sound new-file-name)))) ;;; (add-to-menu 1 "Cut Selection -> New" cut-selection->new) ;;; -------- append sound (and append selection for lafs) (define (append-sound name) ;; appends sound file (insert-sound name (frames))) (define (append-selection) (if (selection?) (insert-selection (frames)))) (add-to-menu 1 "Append Selection" append-selection) ;;; Replace with selection ;;; (define (replace-with-selection) (let ((beg (cursor)) (len (selection-length))) (delete-samples beg len) (insert-selection beg))) (add-to-menu 1 "Replace with Selection" replace-with-selection) ;;; (add-to-menu 1 #f #f) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; open and convert stereo MP3 files automatically ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (add-hook! open-raw-sound-hook (lambda (file choices) (list 2 44100 (if (little-endian?) mus-lshort mus-bshort)))) (add-hook! open-hook (lambda (filename) (if (= (mus-sound-header-type filename) mus-raw) (let ((rawfile (string-append filename ".raw"))) (system (format #f "mpg123 -s ~A > ~A" filename rawfile)) rawfile) #f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; open and convert stereo OGG files automatically ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (add-hook! open-raw-sound-hook (lambda (file choices) (list 2 44100 (if (little-endian?) mus-lshort mus-bshort)))) (add-hook! open-hook (lambda (filename) (if (= (mus-sound-header-type filename) mus-raw) (let ((rawfile (string-append filename ".raw"))) (system (format #f "ogg123 -d raw -f ~A ~A" rawfile filename)) rawfile) #f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; set up a region play list ;;; TODO: a GUI for this feature ! ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (region-play-list data) ;; data is list of lists (list (list time region)...), time in secs (for-each (lambda (tone) (let ((time (* 1000 (car tone))) (region (cadr tone))) (if (region? region) (in time (lambda () (play-region region)))))) data)) ;;; (region-play-list (list (list 0.0 0) (list 0.5 1) (list 1.0 2) (list 1.0 0))) ;;; Deselect function ;;; (define (deselect-all) (if (selection?) (set! (selection-member? #t) #f))) Thanks, Keith From bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU Fri Apr 26 04:23:54 2002 From: bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU (Bill Schottstaedt) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 04:23:54 -0700 Subject: [CM] Unbound variable? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> > [18:00:17] Unbound variable: root/snd-5 > ... > (root/snd-5 "examp.scm") In Scheme, the first thing in a list like this is assumed to be an expression that evaluates to a function. Scheme sees "root/snd-5" and says "that looks like a variable, but I can't find any such name", so it complains about an unbound variable. You want either "load" or "load-from-path" as in: (load "/root/snd-5/examp.scm") or, you could define a function named root/snd-5: (define (root/snd-5 file) (load-from-path (string-append "/root/snd-5/" file))) From bbattey at Fri Apr 26 05:00:29 2002 From: bbattey at (bbattey at Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 05:00:29 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [CM] Re: (CM) CLM2 Mac Lib make failure In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Great! The new CLM compiles fine, creates the CLM library, and installs it in the Extensions folder. However, when I compile an instrument, I get an error like: ;Compiling "Macintosh HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm-fm:fm.ins"...; Writing "Macintosh HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm- fm:clm_fm.c" ; Compiling "Macintosh HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm-fm:clm_fm.c" ; Warning: Can't find entry point "clm_fm9" in shared library "clm_fm9" ; While executing: CCL::GET-SHARED-LIBRARY-ENTRY-POINT And when I try to run the instrument: > Error: Can't find "clm_fm0" in shared library "clm_fm0". > FindSymbol error number -2802 > While executing: CCL::GET-FRAG-SYMBOL With some order of action I can actually get the instrument to run -- but it is not yet clear to me what sequence of compiling / loading / quitting / reloading gets it to work. In any case, it clearly isn't functioning normally. -=Bret On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Bill Schottstaedt wrote: > I added strdup support to the MPW_C section of sndlib; checked > that it was ok on an old Mac running MCL; will make a new CLM > tarball later today. Here's the relevent code (io.c): > > #ifdef MPW_C > /* this taken from libit-0.7 */ > char *strdup (const char *str) > { > char *newstr; > newstr = (char *)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); > if (newstr) strcpy(newstr, str); > return(newstr); > } > #endif > From taube at Fri Apr 26 10:12:08 2002 From: taube at (Rick Taube) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 12:12:08 -0500 Subject: [CM] CM 2.3.3 available Message-ID: CM 2.3.3 is available from ccrma-ftp: Sources (linux, mac, windows): Binaries (mac/windows): This release ports CM to the new ACL and CLISP versions, improves the CLM interface (thank you Anders Vinjar) and finishes tunings and modes. The final version of tunings and modes has caused some significant changes to the system. These changes are all documented in a new chapter "Frequency, Tunings and Modes" in the reference manual (see: doc/ref/scales.html). Almost all the changes are "backward compatible". Features and bug fixes in CM 2.3.3 o CM ported and tested in: * ACL 6.1 Windows/Linux/OSX. (You can get a free, renewable license for ACL 6.1 from * CLISP 2.28 Windows/Linux. o Improved CLM support: * New IMPORT-EVENTS method for .clm files parses instrument calls into CM objects and returns them in a list or seq. * CM now passes _all_ with-sound options to CLM. * All file and dac io now handled direclty by CLM. the CLM entries in cm:etc;handlers.lisp have been removed. * New :TRACE-OUTPUT option for AUDIO-FILE (.aiff, .wav .snd) causes CLM events to print their instruments and start times as they are output to the open audio file. * INS subclasses now inherit default values for &optional instrument args. * Parameter decimal formatting in CLM score files removed. * CM filenames with "wav", "snd" or "aiff" extensions now pass default :TYPE and :FORMAT args to CLM:INIT-WITH-SOUND so the sound file's type and data format agree with the file's extension. this behavior can be overridden woth explicit :TYPE and :FORMAT values. o Tunings and modes are fully implemented. * Tunings can now be defined with note tables. * Mode steps can now be defined in terms of "typed intervals" (see discussion below) so notes returned in the mode agree with the mode's current tonic + step spellings. * Modes can now be defined on any tuning, not just the standard chromatic scale. * Tuning keynums are "unbounded" so hertz <-> keynum conversion can be calculated in any octave. (Tuning note tables are only defined over a specified number of octaves, default is 10.) * New file cm:examples; contains some example tunings and mode definitions. o Arguments to NOTE, KEYNUM, HERTZ have changed to allow new functionality. The most important changes are: * Specific tunings and modes can bw specied to the functions using the new :IN and :FROM argument. :IN specifies the scale to use, and defaults to *SCALE*. The :FROM argument allows keynums and notes in one scale to be converted from one scale to their equivalents in another scale. * New :ACCIDENTAL argument to NOTE causes the note returned to agree with the specified accidental. The value of :ACCIDENTAL can also be a list, in which case the list specifies a preference ordering of possible note spellings. ? (note 60 :accidental 's) BS3 * Hertz values input to NOTE and KEYNUM must be explicitly "tagged" by adding :HERTZ or :HZ (symbol or keyword) after the value. This behavior is not "backward compatible". ? (note 60) ; return note name of keynum 60. ? (note 60 :hz) ; return note name of frequency 60. * The variable *NUMERICAL-FREQUENCY-FORMAT* has been removed. o New "typed interval" preserves note spelling in transposition. Typed invervals are created using the new INTERVAL function and can be decoded using DECODE-INTERVAL. See the new section about type intervals in the standard scale documentation in "scales.html". o TRASPOSE now allow the transpostion amount to be either the integer half steps or a "typed interval". o New global variable *SCALE* holds the default scale (tuning or mode) used by functions like NOTE, HERTZ, KEYNUM and TRANSPOSE. *SCALE* is initialy set to the standard chromatic scale. o New global variable *STANDARD-CHROMATIC-SCALE* holds an instance of the standard chromatic scale. o The functions CENT->SCALER and SCALER->CENT have been renamed to CENTS->SCALER and SCALER->CENTS. o The function OCTAVE has been renamed OCTAVE-NUMBER. o The functions MODEIFY and UNMODEIFY have been removed. The same functionality can be achieved by using the :FROM and :IN scale arguements to KEYNUM and NOTE. o THe macro INTERVALS is no longer documeted and will dissapear in an upcoming releawse. I will replace this messy hack by a new object class that implements complex pattern transposition. From michael at Fri Apr 26 11:45:16 2002 From: michael at (Michael Klingbeil) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:45:16 -0400 Subject: [CM] Re: (CM) CLM2 Mac Lib make failure In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Just to confirm your findings, I am getting the exact same results. I am going to dig through this and see if I can fix the problem. There were some changes made to try to allow loading of shared libraries in locations other than the Extensions folder, but clearly this is not working. I *have* gotten this to work under CLM 1, so it should be possible. Michael >Great! The new CLM compiles fine, creates the CLM library, and installs it >in the Extensions folder. > >However, when I compile an instrument, I get an error like: > >;Compiling "Macintosh >HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm-fm:fm.ins"...; Writing >"Macintosh HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm- >fm:clm_fm.c" >; Compiling "Macintosh >HD:Battey:Studio:Research:Gamak:picacs:clm:clm-fm:clm_fm.c" >; Warning: Can't find entry point "clm_fm9" in shared library "clm_fm9" >; While executing: CCL::GET-SHARED-LIBRARY-ENTRY-POINT > >And when I try to run the instrument: > >> Error: Can't find "clm_fm0" in shared library "clm_fm0". >> FindSymbol error number -2802 >> While executing: CCL::GET-FRAG-SYMBOL > >With some order of action I can actually get the instrument to run >-- but it is >not yet clear to me what sequence of compiling / loading / quitting / >reloading gets it to work. In any case, it clearly isn't functioning normally. > >-=Bret > >On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Bill Schottstaedt wrote: > >> I added strdup support to the MPW_C section of sndlib; checked >> that it was ok on an old Mac running MCL; will make a new CLM >> tarball later today. Here's the relevent code (io.c): >> >> #ifdef MPW_C >> /* this taken from libit-0.7 */ >> char *strdup (const char *str) >> { >> char *newstr; >> newstr = (char *)malloc(strlen(str) + 1); >> if (newstr) strcpy(newstr, str); >> return(newstr); >> } >> #endif >> > > > > >_______________________________________________ >Cmdist mailing list >Cmdist at > From taube at Sat Apr 27 17:29:38 2002 From: taube at (Rick Taube) Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 19:29:38 -0500 Subject: [CM] Re: CM 2.3.3 typo for ACL Message-ID: I fixed a typo in port.lisp that caused an error during compiling under ACL. If you compile CM in ACL on linux or windows please refetch one of the following: Sources : I updated the mac and binary archives as well but there is no need to refetch if you use these. From bbattey at Sun Apr 28 06:33:17 2002 From: bbattey at (bbattey at Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 06:33:17 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [CM] CLM2 soundfile comments / mac print console In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Two other challenges in switching to CLM2/Mac: ---- I had CLM1 code that, for my nefarious purposes, wrote information into the soundfile comment of AIFFs and then retrieved it later (using the now defunct "evaluate-header"). In CLM2 running (soundfile-comment ) on these soundfiles returns a mysterius FIXNUM rather than the lovely LISP code I had embedded in the file. For example: (sound-comment "Macintosh HD:driftwood1:out:diw-lehpath5:diw- lehpath5-005.aif") 355600656 This is a soundfile that was working correctly with CLM1, so I know that the desired comment string is in the file. Perhaps sound-comment-start and sound-comment-end locations are incorrect somewhere? ---- I'm finding that my instruments that have clm-print commands in the run loop now trigger a "CM console" window to come up (I'm running a build combined with CM) to which the print commands render. But the printing only occurs after the run loop is complete. The purpose of the print commands is to provide in-progress status reporting, and this console behavior precludes that. Is there a way around this? Again, I'm using CLM2 on MCL/MPW -=Bret From bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU Tue Apr 30 04:21:03 2002 From: bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU (Bill Schottstaedt) Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 04:21:03 -0700 Subject: [CM] CLM2 soundfile comments / mac print console In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> > the soundfile comment of AIFFs and then retrieved it later (using the now > defunct "evaluate-header"). All evaluate-header did was (eval (read-from-string (sound-comment file-name))). > In CLM2 running (soundfile-comment ) on these soundfiles returns a > mysterius FIXNUM rather than the lovely LISP code I had embedded in the > file. I don't know how to get a string into MCL from C -- in clm1, there was a lisp function that used the comment-start/end marks and read the header itself. I'll change the mac version of sound-comment to go back to that form. > I'm finding that my instruments that have clm-print commands in the run > loop now trigger a "CM console" window to come up Michael Klingbeil has sent me a bunch of mac-CLM bugfixes, including, I think, this one -- I'll merge his changes into my version later today. From anders.vinjar at Tue Apr 30 05:47:42 2002 From: anders.vinjar at (Anders Vinjar) Date: 30 Apr 2002 14:47:42 +0200 Subject: [CM] file-size limit in snd? Message-ID: Cant write files larger than 2GB in snd. When trying to expand a file, snd crashes with the message "1905 file size limit exceeded/snd" left in the shell. The process was runned on Redhat 7.1, ext2 filesystem. When running the following command: "dd if=/dev/zero of=/lyd/local/stortest bs=1024", there is no filesizelimit on 2GB, so its not the shell or the filesystem, harddisk, etc, which is the problem.