Beginner needs help!

>You can convert any format 0 file to format 1 using any commercial
>available sequencer s/w.

anyone with a NeXT machine can use the convertscore utility to change from level 0 to level 1 MIDI file (this is part of the Music Kit, but an old version is still included with NeXTstep for backward compatability.  Or you can get a more up-to-date version as part of the Music Kit package from ccrma-ftp) 


	convertscore -m -o level1.midi level0.midi

This reads level0.midi and converts it to level1.midi (convertscore always writes level1 midi files, but can read any format.)

You can also convert to various other formats:
	convertscore -s -o scorefile.score any.midi

		to converts to musickit scorefile.

	convertscore -m -o midifile.midi scorefile.score

		to convert from musickit scorefile.