xcm-ppc.sea.bin update

Rick Taube taube@uiuc.edu
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 14:04:59 -0400 (EDT)

I've placed an updated version of binaries/xcm-ppc.sea.bin and
xcm.sea.bin on ftp-ccrma.stanford.edu. The binary update adds an MCL
kernel patch to fix a macroexpansion problem in compilerless
application images.  Both updated archives also include support for
Cyberdog, an WWW browser from Apple that requires much less memory than
Netscape. Cyberdog is a good alternative to Netscape for people who
want to browse html documentation and use Lisp at the same time.  You
can get Cyberdog at http://cyberdog.apple.com/download.html.  To make
Cyberdog the default browser add (setf *help-browser* :cyberdog) to
your cminit.lisp file.  

Finally, I didn't explain in the orignal posting that the
xcm-ppc.sea.bin application is a fully functional MCL lisp image, it is
NOT an MCL demo version!   The application only lacks Digitool's
compiler and the inspect utility due to the software release agreement
-- the CM kernel is itself compiled and the system is very responsive. 
Since CLM does not need the Lisp compiler either I am going to add it
to the application sometime in the next few weeks, but of course you
would still need to purchase CodeWarrior if you want to compile