new Common Music release

Larry Troxler
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 20:50:56 -0400 (EDT)

Wow. Like you said, the CLM support seems to be better; After a quick
trial, It seems I nolonger have
to (make-instance 'the-clm-class) before using it CM. And it looks like
"archive" might actually be working now . 

It even feels a bit "snappier", but this could be due to my CPU being a
bit excited over new code to chew on. Skeptics will of course look for
other possible answers (differences in building, not loading unused
syntaxes, etc), but these people tend to be those who think that a
person's CPU doesn't have its own individual personality. In my opinion,
if you boot your machine, and then ignore it while you feed the dog, fix
dinner, etc, you have no business complaining when your applications run
slow. IMHO, to run at optimum speed, your 'puter needs some attention.
At least wipe the case every now and then (they love this!) But I'm
getting off the subject here ...


--  Larry Troxler  --  --  Patterson, NY USA  --