New CM Help missing API doc?

Larry Troxler
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 18:49:14 -0400

Rick Taube wrote:
> >Theres no harm having it in.  Newer versions of Netscape are quite
> >scrappy on the SGIs around here, with severe memory leaks leaving hanging
> >networks and machines (almost approaching the state of bogus lisps!).
> why not just use lynx for browsing cm and clm docs from lisp? it doenst
> require much memory. I think all you need to do is something like:
>         (setf *help-browser* :lynx)
>         (setf *help-browser-command* "/whatever/lynx -foo")

THis is what happens when I try it:  

Stella [Top-Level]: (setf cm::*help-browser* :lynx)
Stella [Top-Level]: (setf cm::*help-browser-command* "lynx")
Stella [Top-Level]: help
/bin/bash: setenv: command not found
Error opening terminal: emacs.

Was this supposed to run lynx in an emacs shell-mode window, or would it
run Lynx in a seperate xterm window. If the former, that might be an
interesting alternative to W3, which is slow and overkill.


--  Larry Troxler --  --  Patterson, NY USA  --