New CM Help missing API doc?

Tobias Kunze t@ulysses.Stanford.EDU
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 12:37:49 -0700

Actually, I prefer

  (setf *help-browser* :lynx)
  (setf *help-browser-command*
        "xwsh -fn '-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-m-70-iso8859-1'
-autofork -ut -e lynx")

Give it a try!  snazzy colors, 1000 times faster than w3, no logging
to utmp, etc...  It rocks!


But no problem, i guess i can add w3.

 | why not just use lynx for browsing cm and clm docs from lisp? it doenst
 | require much memory. I think all you need to do is something like:
 | 	(setf *help-browser* :lynx)
 | 	(setf *help-browser-command* "/whatever/lynx -foo")