New CM Help missing API doc?

Anders Vinjar
03 Oct 1997 08:49:38 +0200

  "t" == Tobias Kunze <tkunze@ulysses.Stanford.EDU> writes:
  t> afaik w3 can't be messaged from another process, which makes it
  t> impossible to fire it up automatically.  let me know if there is a
  t> way to call an emacs function from an inferior process!

You can get the gnuserv utility from

It should be quite simple in use, and is an extension of the
'emacsclient' program which comes bundled AFAIK.  You type
(gnuserv-start) in emacs, and from a shell (or lisp) you can send
commands, files to open, URLs to browse etc, via the 'gnuclient or
'gnudoit commands.