New CM Help missing API doc?

Anders Vinjar
02 Oct 1997 11:28:45 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

  "lt" == Larry Troxler <> writes:
  lt> And a question/suggestion: Would it make sense to also have an
  lt> Emacs/W3 browsing mode? Or would such a thing make more sense if
  lt> implemented entirely in Emacs, not using the CM help module?

I think I have the remainings of a wannabe CM-modus lying around, used in
a course i teached once.  It originally used w3 for lookup, with
help-menus built into emacs etc., but it seems as I redid it to use
'browse-url-netscape instead.  I dont know if much of this 'mode' works,
but there might be something in there to further building of one such.
Ill include it below, feel free to hack away and do whatever you want
with the results.
