New CM Help missing API doc?

Anders Vinjar
02 Oct 1997 11:09:44 +0200

  "lt" == Larry Troxler <> writes:
  lt> And a question/suggestion: Would it make sense to also have an
  lt> Emacs/W3 browsing mode?

This would need the 'gnuclient/gnuserv/gnudoit' utility for managing
'remote' emacses, and options on the command-line passed to the remote
emacs, orelse you would clutter your cpu & screen with multiple emacses.
I doubt if many people have access to this.  The code needed to get it
working in xcm/kernel/help.lisp would be straightforward.

F.ex:  (i havent tested this, dont have gnuclient etc. installed)

In Emacs you would need to load the library 'gnuserv.el', type
(gnuserv-start) and emacs is ready to receive.

In 'help.lisp':

(setq *help-browser* "w3")
(setq *help-browser-command* "emacs")

(defun open-url (url)
  (ecase *help-browser*
     (shell (format nil "ps ~a | grep emacs > /dev/null ; ~%~
                         sh <<END~%~
                         if [ $? -eq 0 ];then~%~a~%else~%~a~%fi~%~
		    #+sgi "-eu $USER" #+linux "-c"
		    (format nil "gnudoit '(w3-open-local ~a)'" url)
		    (format nil "~a '(w3-open-local ~a)' &"
			    *help-browser-command* url))))
     (shell (format nil "ps ~a | grep netscape > /dev/null ; ~%~
                         sh <<END~%~
                         if [ $? -eq 0 ];then~%~a~%else~%~a~%fi~%~
		    #+sgi "-eu $USER" #+linux "-c"
		    (format nil "~a -remote 'OpenURL(~a)'"
			    *help-browser-command* url)
		    (format nil "~a '~a' &" *help-browser-command* url))))
     (shell (format nil "setenv TERM vt100 ; ~a ~a"
		    *help-browser-command* url)))
     (shell (format nil "~a '~a'" *help-browser-command* url)))))