amplitude wrap around

To: cmdist bil
Mon, 24 Nov 97 08:52:54 PST

> Wouldnt it make more sense to allow
>  (with-sound () (outa 0 -1.0) (outa 1 1.0))
> to actually put out what you would normally mean by such an expression?
> Which is :) most negative and most positive number supported by the
> sound-file-format, and rescale in between according to these limits.

I don't think this would make anyone happy -- the sophisticated user
will grumble about complicated changes behind his back, the
others will still wonder why their output is not exactly
1.0.   But it's not that difficult to write a version of with-sound
that behaves this way (and it's trivial to make your own outa
generator that clips or gives some error message -- wait 'til
you get a million of these flying by and then see what you think of
the idea).  Or use 32-bit output (integer or float).