Bug in CMN: meter does not accept strings

To: Jacques Duthen <duthen@club-internet.fr> bil
Thu, 22 May 97 07:22:33 PDT

Thanks very much for the bug fixes!  I'll merge them
into cmn.tar.gz (along with some irregular beat
subdivision changes).  I'll look into implementing
the double meter -- I don't remember tackling this
at all.  

On the engorge example, you do need to copy the
engorged lists -- I suppose I could copy the list
rather than simply splicing it into the output;
your example could be:

(let ((pat
        (list (a2 (rq 1)) (d3 (rq 2)) (g3 (rq 1)) (e3 (rq 1))))))
   (output-type :quickdraw)
   (size 18)
      (meter 5 4)
      (copy pat)
      (copy pat))))

but that's not really any different from calling engorge twice.