[Q] Can we use twice the same object?

Jacques Duthen duthen@club-internet.fr
Thu, 22 May 1997 02:07:05 +0200


It seems that the same object cannot be used twice in the same score.
Is it correct?

(let ((pat
        (list (a2 (rq 1)) (d3 (rq 2)) (g3 (rq 1)) (e3 (rq 1))))))
   (output-type :quickdraw)
   (size 18)
      (meter 5 4)
      pat)))  ;; only one pattern is displayed

Do I have to use a function to produce a new object rather than
to use a variable which always points to the same object?

(defun new-pat ()
   (list (a2 (rq 1)) (d3 (rq 2)) (g3 (rq 1)) (e3 (rq 1)))))

 (output-type :quickdraw)
 (size 18)
  (meter 5 4)
  (new-pat))))  ;; all the patterns are displayed

Is there any other workaround?

Thanks in advance                                            [jack]

| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | Jacques Duthen   [jack] |
| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | duthen@club-internet.fr |